Bedtime Stories for kids;

Hello friends today I will tell you

another new story of funds Tantra and

the title of the story is roaster and

the donkey a long time ago a rooster and

a donkey lived in a forest the boat had

Bedtime Stories for kids | Rooster And Donkey Stories for Teenagers
Bedtime Stories for kids | Rooster And Donkey Stories for Teenagers

an unbreakable bond the friendship

between the two was quite strong both

help each other in difficult situations

one day rooster and the donkey have gone

far away from the jungle in search of

food and they saw a lion was there just

a short distance away both got very


scared to see a lion before lions eyes

caught both of them they both hide

behind the bushes, both got scared and

they hide in the bushes and started

waiting for the lion to leave after a

while he noticed that a goat was grazing

in the front field, the line also saw the

goat and started putting his steps

towards the goat seeing the goat in


Bedtime Stories for kids | Rooster And Donkey Stories for Teenagers
Bedtime Stories for kids | Rooster And Donkey Stories for Teenagers

Bedtime stories for toddlers

the rooster says to the donkey friend

look at that the line is going to hunt

that goat we should help him the donkey

said hey how can we help that goat this

lamb is dreadful he will kill us at this

point of the donkey the rooster says

it's better to try at least once rather

then not doing anything as soon as 


the line was about to grab the goat then

muster started throwing very loudly

the land got frightened by the loud

sound of the rooster and ran away the donkey

was very happy to see the intelligence

of the rooster, he got an idea

Wow this lion got scared by a little

Bedtime Stories for kids | Rooster And Donkey Stories for Teenagers
Bedtime Stories for kids | Rooster And Donkey Stories for Teenagers

#Bedtime stories for babies

why don't I shut him out of the forest I

will have a little name among the rest

of the animals thinking of this the

donkey starts running after the light

seeing the donkey running the rooster

speaks red buddy what are you doing

ignoring the rooster the donkey keeps

running after the line he got excited

and the jaunty kept on trying to

Bedtime Stories for kids | Rooster And Donkey Stories for Teenagers
Bedtime Stories for kids | Rooster And Donkey Stories for Teenagers


brighten the line when he heard the

sound of a donkey the land looks back

then he realized that it is not a

dangerous animal but a donkey lion got

very angry on himself what is this I was


running away from a donkey there are

an endless number of donkeys that I have

hunted he is more stupid from those who

is running after a line now he will not

going to be spared

before the donkey can't think of

anything the lion catches him and

ruthlessly kills him donkey has been

killed because of his stupidity so

friends the moral of the story is that

self-confidence is good but

overconfidence is always harmful. 

Bedtime Stories for kids | Rooster And Donkey Stories for Teenagers
Bedtime Stories for kids | Rooster And Donkey Stories for Teenagers

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